Introducing The All-New Inflo Academy

May 10, 2023

Transforming your audit practice through digitisation can seem daunting. After all, you might have been doing things the same way for years, and moving to a new system can seem a complicated process.

With Inflo, digitising your audits doesn’t have to be hard. Our platform represents the most simple and straightforward way to automate and modernise your audits – from the early stages of client collaboration through to automating workflow processes.

We want to make your transition to digital audits as simple as possible, which is why we created the Inflo Academy – our learning platform that walks you through every stage of the process. The Academy is always being updated to make learning to use Inflo simpler and more effective – including our latest major overhaul.

What Is Inflo Academy?

The Inflo Academy is the first step to using Inflo. After you’ve signed up and received access to the platform, you’ll want to know how to make use of it. While we have a more comprehensive onboarding and training programme that covers your introduction to Inflo, the Academy is the first stage.

Inflo Academy is self-directed learning, so you can take the modules at your own pace, doubling back if you need.

What’s Changed?

Fundamentally, we’ve made the Academy easier to use with more comprehensive services. Previously, we had the starting base level of courses available. However, some of these modules were not fully up to date, and weren’t as comprehensive as we would have liked.

The Academy was also not as universally accessible as it should have been – it was only usable by firm-level customers, and wasn’t accessible directly from the Inflo platform.

Making the Academy Accessible to Everyone

We’ve made the Academy a fundamental part of the Inflo platform. You’ll also have a link from the header in the Inflo platform to the Academy, so any time you’re looking for a little guidance, you can easily find your way back. Your log in to the Inflo platform now also works for Inflo Academy, so once you’re into the platform, you can always make your way immediately to the Academy thanks to our new API and SSO settings. Finally, the Academy is now available to everyone – every level of user from end clients, to internal staff to firm-level users.

Focused Learning

We want the Academy to represent the right first steps for each user. That doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone will start or finish in the same place – rather that they will received tailored courses for their needs and business type. Now, each user type is automatically taken to a dedicated learning plan with courses specific to them.

For example, an end client will have videos specifically written from their perspective. They will cover the elements of the platform that are relevant to them – tools they can see and use. Their Learning plan goes all the way through the platform –  from getting started and moving through each module that the customer might use.

Meanwhile, the learning plan for firm users is split into discrete courses which follow each aspect of using the platform – one for digital collaboration, one for analytics, etc.

Each course contains videos ranging from 30 seconds to around 10-12 minutes depending on the complexity of the content and importance of the topic.

Making The Best Inflo Learning Platform

We want to make sure that the Inflo Academy is as good as it can be. That’s why we have enabled the option for users to add a rating when a course is completed. Immediate customer feedback on any and every module enables us to see what’s working for our users – and what can be improved!

We released the latest improvements to Inflo Academy ready for users to start using from April 24.

Our immediate feedback shows that users have found the content as useful as we’d hoped, with several having completed more than once new course and given 5-star ratings in the first few days.

To learn more about how to make the most of digitizing your audit process, and how we make it easy to get started, get in touch with our new business team today.

Find out today what we can do for you!